Milestones today were few. Black, tarry meconium poops gave way to green, slimy formula ones. Dad, a.k.a. Chief Diaper Technician, appreciates not needing a chisel and sandpaper to get the dirty diaper off.
I passed my car seat test. Evidently the nurses have not received the memo that I am underweight and require fattening up, as they believe unanimously that I am going home today. I'm not, but when I do I'm totally making Dad let me drive.
Between feeding and pumping sessions, we watched Baby's First Movie: Blazing Saddles. By coincidence, this is also the movie Mom and Dad saw on their first date, twenty-one hundred years ago.
Finally, Mom and Dad got to sleep before 5:00 am, and for more than 4 hours total, for the first time since I was born. I'll let them enjoy that for now, but they shouldn't count on it.
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