Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Verbal explosion

These "word" things are pretty sneaky. The merest of variations specify all kinds of things. For example: Ma-ma (Mom), mih-mih (milk) and mo-mo (more). Da-da (Dad), dah-dah (dog), duh-duh (Dad said something dumb).

Hand signs are just as confusing: The exact same hand sign means please for three completely different kinds of food!

1 comment:

  1. My two favorite ASL puns/slips (pun if it was intentional, slip otherwise ;) is the similarity between these two pair of sentences:

    Easy slip/pun #1:
    * I'm interested in what you have to say.
    * I'm very horny.

    Easy slip/pun #2:
    * Not now, I'm working.
    * Not now, I'm masturbating.

    Ok, "interested" and, you know, "*INTERESTED* <wink, wink>" -- I can see that one as being just an intensifier but, the 2nd one, the difference reminds me of "two sides of the same coin", and makes me giggle whenever I stop to remember which sign I'm making. :)
