Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Molar bare
Did I ever fool Mom and Dad. They thought all my fussing and crying was for a silly incisor. While they were focused on my front teeth, I snuck in a fully erupted molar without tipping them off. Dad claims he saw it days ago and dismissed it as a piece of paper. My decoy worked! If the Baby Union didn't mandate that I loudly protest getting vaccinations, they might never have noticed.
I went to the new baby doctor today. She's better than my old doctor because she has more toys. Our meeting started out well but got kind of prickly at the end.
The last little piggy
I walked all the way home from the cafe, over a quarter-mile. Except for the part where Dad picked me up and carried me halfway, but that doesn't count because I had no choice.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Plastic Palace
According to teh Interwebs, there's only one place in town that sells a bicycle helmet petite enough for my noggin. So Mom and Dad U-Bahned out to the burbs and hiked 20 minutes in sweltering heat to Munich's mecca of merchandising, its parade of playthings, its blazing bastion of baby bric-a-brac: its Toys-Я-Us.
I could have told them about the shuttle bus from the train station, but I didn't want to spoil the sense of adventure.
I could have told them about the shuttle bus from the train station, but I didn't want to spoil the sense of adventure.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Reading is Fun-damental
Suddenly I see what the big deal is about books. Bringing one to Mom or Dad is a sure-fire way to pull them away from a no-touch-laptop when whining, throwing food, tugging their legs, and barfing all fail. Hallo, kleine Maus! and Meine allerersten Wörter are the best, but I'll settle for whatever's handy.
Mom and Dad love to tell stories to the pictures. How crazy is that? I'm conducting an experiment to find out how many times in a row they'll tell the same one.
Mom and Dad love to tell stories to the pictures. How crazy is that? I'm conducting an experiment to find out how many times in a row they'll tell the same one.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Coming at you
Kneeless mobility, Mark V (first general release). New feature in this release: carrying things. Smaller capacity than my pony, but much more portable.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Cowboy Bebop
My first two-different-syllables word: "bebop". Mom says it funny: "uppy". Maybe she likes talking Pig Latin.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Also Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day, Dad! Here's a card I made. I call it: Nymphs and fauns cavort under a grape arbor while Bacchus looks on with merry countenance. Since it's Father's Day in America, I made this card for Grandpa, not you. But it's okay with me if you want to bask in his reflected glory.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Double the fun
It's party time again! Twins Jerry and Julia brought their parents over to play. Twice the fun for the price of one!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Dosing Off
This is it, I'm going cold turkey. Acid reflux notwithstanding, I'm kicking the Prilosec habit. After today, no more ground up pills in my yogurt. Erm... there will still be yogurt, right?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Step One
The cobblestones at the pool today are rough and lumpy and hot as blazes. Too bad there's no way to move around that's easier on the knees than crawling. Guess I'll have to invent one.
Kneeless Mobility, Mark I. Bearable, but still hot on the hands.
Kneeless Mobility, Mark II. Better, but requires high-maintenance equipment. Could get awkward when I start dating.
Kneeless Mobility, Mark III. I call it "walking". Mom and Dad call it "about time". Grownups practice a more primitive form of this method that involves less tumbling. Don't know why my cameraman didn't catch this one; maybe the topless sunbathers nearby told a funny joke.
Kneeless Mobility, Mark I. Bearable, but still hot on the hands.
Kneeless Mobility, Mark II. Better, but requires high-maintenance equipment. Could get awkward when I start dating.
Kneeless Mobility, Mark III. I call it "walking". Mom and Dad call it "about time". Grownups practice a more primitive form of this method that involves less tumbling. Don't know why my cameraman didn't catch this one; maybe the topless sunbathers nearby told a funny joke.
Dunno why all these other kids make swimming look so hard. There's nothing to it. I guess they haven't figured out how the motorboat sound makes you go.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Feefing, again
Yeph, I'm feefing. Never pheen a grooling vavy vefore? Gon't forget, wiphe guy, one of fephe gayph I'll know how to uphe a camera too.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Wow, it's hot. Along with most of town, Mom and Dad fled to the neighborhood sitting pool across the street to cool off. The dress code is casual, but full-monty is brief even for me.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I gained back the 1 lb I lost when I was sick a couple of weeks ago. Well, more like replaced it with a new lb, but you get the idea.
After spending yesterday on the lake, Mom thought Dad would enjoy spending today lugging my stroller over broken terrain up a mountain in 90-degree heat. We managed a net vertical speed of nearly 1 meter per minute, after taking into account all the ups and downs and more ups. Speedy! And now I have a fuller appreciation of why people love hiking up mountains: you get a great view of the Alps from the biergarten at the top.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Starnberger See

Mom and Dad decided to check out the Starnberger See, a little swimming hole south of town. I guess it was kinda scenic, what with the Bavarian alps and all. But the real story is the strawberries down here are to die for.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Verbal explosion
These "word" things are pretty sneaky. The merest of variations specify all kinds of things. For example: Ma-ma (Mom), mih-mih (milk) and mo-mo (more). Da-da (Dad), dah-dah (dog), duh-duh (Dad said something dumb).
Hand signs are just as confusing: The exact same hand sign means please for three completely different kinds of food!
Hand signs are just as confusing: The exact same hand sign means please for three completely different kinds of food!
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