C-section means I got to claw my way right out of Mom's tummy just like in the movie Alien. It also means I was born around lunchtime after zero hours of labor. All Mom had to do was fast all night and let the doctors play mumblety-peg on her. The hard part comes over the next weeks.
In the operating room were Mom, Dad, three doctors, two nurses, and a tech. If it takes a village to get a child out of Mom, it's going to take a county to raise one.
My saga starts long before day 0, but that's best left for another time. For more about making babies, check your email: You probably have 36 messages from friendly strangers about it.
If you are reading this, you are probably a big person, which means you want to know boring details. Okay, I'll humor ya.
- Name: Sara Adelaide
- Date/Time: April 29, 2009, 11:28 am
- Location: Kaiser Permanente, Santa Clara, CA
- Weight: 2310g; 5 lbs 1.5 oz.
- Length: 46 cm; 18 inches
Tearing my way out of Mom made me so hungry, Dad fed me a half-ounce of formula right there in the operating room. Yum yum.
Bonus points: I was born with a skin-tag tail. Massi Santosh says that means I have the blessing of the monkey god. I'm cool with that. When you're 5 lbs, you take all the blessings you can get.
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